Journey of Clearing - Binaural Ho'oponopono Meditation
How often have you felt that there is something in the way?
It’s that something that you can’t quite put your finger on, something that gets in the way of your business, or maybe your relationship, or your growth into who you know you really are.
It can show up in so many different ways:
“If I could just focus, my work would be so much easier and better.”
“I’m just no good at being creative.”
“I should be able to make this work. If I’m not successful there must be something wrong with me.”
“Money is such a problem, no matter how much I think I have, there are more bills to pay.”
It is totally normal to feel this way.
It’s normal, but it isn’t comfortable, and there is another possibility.
Enter Clearing
What if it were possible to release these associations, these programs that are not a part of who we really are? That is exactly what clearing is. It’s sort of like spring cleaning in the unconscious, allowing love and light to gently help us to release what is not a part of our truest selves.
The more we get clear, the more we bring ourselves into alignment with all that we want to be, do and have. As we release old beliefs we make room for the ease, flow and joy that we are longing for.
The more we get clear, the more we can allow things to be easy.
The more we get clear, the more we can become the divinely radiant beings that we are.
The process of clearing is mostly behind the scenes.
The “stuff” that we want to clear is in the part of our mind which is unconscious, the part which we are not aware of directly. We are aware of its effects, no doubt, but the cause of those effects is below our level of awareness. For millennia, meditation has been a powerful tool for clearing. The problem is that for a lot of us, it hasn’t worked very well. Many of the traditional forms of meditation are slow and fairly difficult paths.
From the time we’re born we are constantly learning and absorbing information about how the world works, and we’re doing this unconsciously, without thinking about it at all. And we can pick up messages, sort of like little computer programs, along the way. These programs get triggered by things we experience – if your business isn’t growing as much as you want, you may have a program that says, “I’m just not good enough to do this.”
We all have lots of these programs and the associations that trigger them. Sometimes it can be really useful to figure them out individually and work through where they came from and what our new truth is, but most of the time that’s not necessary.
A mystic, a hypnotist and a sound engineer walk into a bar (well, actually a studio.)
The Journey of Clearing guided meditation is a combination of ancient wisdom and modern science. By combining Ho’oponopono, the traditional Hawaiian clearing technique, with a most unusual kind of guided meditation and the power of binaural beats, I’ve created a new kind of clearing tool. This is something I’ve looked for for a long time but never found.
It really can be this easy
You put on your headphones and press play, and then just allow the sound to wash over you. This is a special triple guided meditation – you’ll hear three of me all at once. If that sounds like too much to concentrate on, that’s because it is – in fact, that’s the whole point. Your conscious mind can follow one or more of the threads of my voice guiding you, or you may find that you just let go and let the whole experience wash over you. Whatever happens, your conscious mind is occupied, allowing you to gently and easily sink into a deeply relaxed, comfortable meditation. It only takes 20 minutes, and as you listen repeatedly you become more and more clear over time.
As you relax, you clear.
It’s in this deeply relaxed state that the words of the meditation, even without your conscious attention, will guide you into clearing. You don’t have to do anything, in fact there’s nothing for you to do other than listen and notice what you experience. The clearing happens automatically, with no conscious effort. It’s our conscious effort that most often gets in the way of clearing.
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